Emergency Contraception

If you have had unprotected sex and one of the following factors has occurred you may want to access Emergency Contraception to reduce the chance of an unwanted pregnancy:

  • You have not used a condom and you are not on any other form of contraception
  • The condom has come off or split
  • You have missed or are late in taking/replacing your regular form of hormonal contraception
  • You are taking a prescribed medication which has reduced the effectiveness of your hormonal contraception
  • Your hormonal contraception has been made less effectiveness by sickness and/or diarrhoea

Its best to act quickly after having unprotected sex (within the first 24 hours) however there are forms of Emergency Contraception can be accessed for up to five days after.

Several forms of Emergency Contraception are available two different forms of oral drugs or having a coil fitted (IUD) A health professional will discuss your circumstances and recommend which course of action is best for you.

"The most effective way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy is to take an oral form of emergency contraception and then have a contraceptive coil fitted (IUD)."

Where can I access Emergency Contraception?

  • A Leeds Sexual Health Clinic - use the service finder and search for "contraception" to locate your nearest clinic.
  • Sexual Health Pharmacies around the city (many open evenings and weekends) use the service finder and search for "emergency contraception" to locate your nearest pharmacy or click here for a list.
  • Your GP (make sure you tell the receptionist that you need to access emergency contraception for a quicker appointment)

Remember - emergency contraception in Leeds is free if you have a Leeds postcode.